Jiadeli: High technology creates great wealth

Time:2015/12/5 9:43:54View:814

A corner of the Jiadeli capacitor film production workshop

A capacitor film with a thickness of only 1/9 of the cling film in Quanzhou Entrepreneur Magazine can withstand a voltage of 500 volts per micrometer. When it attaches to the capacitor, it can start the car, operate the air conditioning, and start the LED lights……

A small thin film should not be underestimated. This is precisely where the charm of high-tech lies.

In the Quanzhou Taiwan Investment Zone, there is a company whose tax payment has increased from 5 million yuan in 2008 to 10 million yuan in 2011, relying on this thin film that is several micrometers thick. Next year, it can exceed 20 million yuan. A company with only over 160 employees creates an annual output value of over 200 million yuan, with a per capita annual output value of 1.25 million yuan, truly writing the phrase "high-tech creates great wealth".

It is Quanzhou Jiadeli Electronic Materials Co., Ltd. Recently, the reporter walked into Huinan Industrial Zone in Dongyuan Town.

How to refine thin films?

There is no grand entrance, no grand skyscrapers, and the factory area is only over 20 acres. Jiadeli, which looks like an ordinary textile and clothing factory, seems to be incompatible with its status as a provincial-level high-tech enterprise.

Following General Manager Assistant Huang Zezhong, the reporter arrived at the Jiadeli production workshop. Under the guidance of the staff, the reporter changed into blue work clothes and hats, and put on disposable shoe covers. The staff only led the reporter forward when everything was ready. Passing through a narrow buffer channel, a powerful high-speed airflow sprayed out from both sides, and the reporter and the filming machine were "sterilized and disinfected" in the strong wind.

"This is the wind shower room, and everyone entering and exiting must pass through it to remove pollutants from their bodies." Huang Zezhong introduced, "Jiadeli's production workshop is a 24-hour constant temperature dust-free workshop, with a standard of 10000 levels, equivalent to the hospital operating room standard."

Why do capacitor films have such high requirements for cleanliness? Huang Zezhong said, "Even a little dust can form electrical weaknesses, and when powered on, the capacitor film is easily broken down."

Entering the workshop, a fully automated production line is running rapidly, with only 7 or 8 workers operating computers or inspecting the production line in a hundreds of meters long workshop.

"Are there only a few workers on such a large production line?" the reporter couldn't help but ask.

"More than enough. Our main job is not only to ensure the normal operation of the machines, but also to do more cleaning and maintenance work in the workshop," the workshop workers replied, once again confirming Huang Zezhong's words.

Suddenly, Huang Zezhong pointed to a rapidly flowing "water curtain" and said to the reporter, "This is the capacitive thin film."

"How does it look like cling film?" the reporter asked.

"It's much thinner than cling film, which is usually 27 microns, and this machine can produce 2.8 microns of film," Huang Zezhong proudly replied.

The reporter became increasingly curious about how this thin film was "refined"?

"Melt the PP particles into a sticky shape at high temperature, pass through a cold roller at 90-95 ℃, and cool them to form a 70 centimeter wide cast piece. Then, stretch this' cast piece 'vertically and then horizontally to form a thin film that is 5.8 meters wide and 2.8 microns thin." Huang Zezhong pointed to the running machine and earnestly introduced it to the reporter, "A thin film with a width of 70 centimeters, a width of 5.8 meters, and a thickness of 2.8 microns. During the stretching process, it is necessary to make the film uniformly thick, achieve high physical performance indicators, low thermal shrinkage, high electrical performance indicators, etc., while not breaking. This is the technical difficulty and also the core of the capacitor film."

The reporter suddenly realized!

High technology is the only way to have vitality

Capacitors are crucial components for driving electromechanical equipment. In recent years, with the development of capacitors, more advanced and environmentally friendly thin film capacitors have gradually replaced traditional aluminum electrolytic capacitors on the stage of the times.

In 2001, Huang Dongliang, the founder of Jiadeli, engaged in the production of air compressors in Quanzhou Taishang District. Due to the limited production of capacitors, Huang Dongliang often worries about not being able to buy them. After inquiring, I found out that the insufficient production of capacitors is due to insufficient supply of capacitor films. At that time, the main sources of thin film capacitors in China were state-owned production and imports.

In addition to his distress, Huang Dongliang also saw the broad market prospects of capacitive thin films. After several investigations and considerations, he decided to produce his own capacitor thin films. From traditional air compressor manufacturing to high-precision capacitor film production, some people believe that Huang Dongliang's step has gone too far. However, in his view, companies can only occupy market share by mastering core technologies. And the "tall and high-end" capacitor thin film is precisely the advantage of future enterprise competition.

Jiadeli emerged as one of the earliest private capacitor film enterprises in China at that time.

For Huang Dongliang, either don't do it or do it the best. So, he pushed aside public opinion and invested over 60 million yuan to introduce the most advanced BOPP capacitor film production line from Germany at that time, and built Jiadeli from a high starting point. Two years later, Jiadeli's first production line was put into operation. Due to market supply shortages, capacitor films were swept away as soon as they left the factory. However, the good times didn't last long, and a year later, Jiadeli's customers were quietly losing.

After investigation, Huang Dongliang found that having the most advanced equipment does not necessarily lead to producing first-class products. The process of capacitive thin films is cumbersome and the parameters are complex, and there are many uncertainties in the production process. Due to lack of experience, the products produced by Jiadeli are unstable, and some products cannot even meet the requirements of consumers. At the same time, raw materials are also an important factor affecting the quality of capacitor films.

If we cannot produce first-class products, we cannot seize the commanding heights of the industry, which is not what Huang Dongliang wants to see. So, he made up for what he lacked, both soft and hard, and shortage of personnel. Huang Dongliang recruited high paying employees from state-owned factories and established a professional technical team in Jiadeli, specializing in product parameter research and debugging experiments. The raw materials are not good enough, so he chose to import polypropylene resin from Nordic countries at a price twice that of domestic materials.

As the saying goes, details determine success or failure. In production, Huang Dongliang pays particular attention to this point.

Taking process hygiene as an example. For high-tech enterprises, machine depreciation is measured in hours. This also means that if the machine does not start working for an hour, the loss may reach hundreds of thousands of yuan. Since its production, Jiadeli has implemented a three shift mechanism, with machines running non-stop 24 hours a day. In order to improve the quality of the product, Jiadeli has decided to change from low-speed production once every ten days for cleaning and maintenance to once every three days. "The capacitor film, which has extremely strict requirements for process hygiene, requires frequent cleaning and maintenance to ensure the high quality of the product. Although it earns a few million yuan less, it is worth it." Recalling his grandfather's choice at that time, Huang Zezhong said with emotion.

After adopting multiple approaches, the quality of Jiadeli films gradually stabilized, no less than that of domestic and foreign peers. More and more consumers chose Jiadeli, including Xiamen Farad Electronics Co., Ltd., one of the world's three largest capacitor companies. At that time, the tax revenue of the enterprise reached 4 million yuan and showed an increasing trend year by year.

However, Huang Dongliang is not satisfied with this. He believes that thin films can be thinner and technology can be more advanced. In the second year, he invested 100 million yuan to introduce a second production line from Germany. After multiple debugging and process improvements, the thin film products of Jiadeli's second production line are 5.8 meters wide and 2.8 micrometers thick, which is a technology far ahead in the country. In 2011, with the commissioning of the second production line, Jiadeli's tax revenue successfully exceeded the 10 million yuan mark that year.

Nowadays, with this technology and an employee team with nearly 70% college education or above, Jiadeli has been recognized as a high-tech enterprise in Fujian Province.

However, Jiadeli has not stopped moving forward - the company has decided to advance towards the international top technology of 2.0 microns thin films.

For this reason, Jiadeli invested heavily to introduce the world's first synchronously stretchable German Bruckner BOPP capacitor film production line and a complete set of laboratory testing equipment from Germany. "The synchronously stretched capacitor film is uniformly stressed and does not come into contact with the roller, leaving no marks on the surface of the film, and the product quality is more stable. Moreover, the introduced production line can control the thickness of the film to about 2 microns and is not easy to break, providing more technical support for new energy." Huang Zezhong smiled and said, "After the new production line is put into operation by the end of next year, the enterprise's output value can reach 400 million yuan, and the tax revenue will exceed 20 million yuan."

Stepping out of Jiadeli, the journalist's emotions could not be calmed for a long time: Jiadeli is noteworthy not only for its unique popularity in the face of economic difficulties, but also for its highly valuable data: more than 160 employees, a production value of 200 million yuan, a per capita contribution rate of 1.25 million yuan, and a tax contribution that doubles in a few years.

Abandoning the tactics of a sea of people, emphasizing input-output, and considering environmental carrying capacity are the inevitable directions for the future development of coastal enterprises. The laws of economic development dictate that it is not personal factors that can influence it. Jiadeli, who lives in the Taiwan business district, started producing air compressors and now dominates with capacitive thin films, which may provide some inspiration for people.

Source: Quanzhou Entrepreneur Magazine Responsible Editor: Liu Yongbo